Quinnipiac University Polling Institute
Quinnipiac University's internationally respected Polling Institute had increased demand for polls in ever-shorter time-frames, and needed more than 100 polling stations in a facility that would allow for numerous simultaneous and independent polls. The University acquired property originally used for truck repair. After extensive environmental clean-up, the truck repair garage was ready for a little creative adaptive reuse. The high ceilings were well suited for polling spaces and the necessary mechanical systems and sound control required of a call center. Large capacity air handlers were placed on the ground behind the facility to isolate the mechanical noise and allow the polling areas to remain quiet.
Leonard Wyeth AIA and Richard King RA of Wyeth Architects LLC. Photos by Jim Fiora and photos by Caryn Davis
Carefully considered polling stations were designed for the specific needs of this facility. Due to the existing space limitations, the new designs allowed better space use and accommodated more stations than standard designs.
Light columns integrated into stair railings.
Break area for poll workers.
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